As a quad-science assessment, TriMetrix HD provides us with four perspectives to understand the people we work with: it explores their behavioural style, competencies, as well as their acumen or decision making.
When using a traditional single-dimensional assessment, we can miss (or have to assume) so much about what makes a person who they are. With a multi-science assessment, we have more places to look for answers and a more complete framework to help people understand themselves and others.
When using the DISC assessment, the “high D” style is often characterised as behaving in a forceful and assertive fashion. Because of this, many consultants make the mistake of assuming that all high D managers will act like army drill sergeants and won’t be naturally supportive or caring towards their team. While sometimes this assumption is true, other times it is completely false. The question is: why?
In order to illustrate why one manager might be described as “results-oriented and likeable” while another is seen as “results-oriented and insensitive”, we must look beyond DISC. When we gain access to the first manager’s TriMetrix HD profile — with all four pieces of information — we discover the following pattern: High D (DISC) + High Social (Motivators) + Empathetic Outlook Positive Focus (ACI) + Diplomacy (DNA). We now understand that this manager is driven to help others (Social Motivator), which is further intensified by her behavioural style (high D). She will also tend to notice the positive aspects of her team’s performance (ACI) and has mastered the competency Diplomacy (DNA) — a great combination for conveying supportive feedback.
Contrast this pattern with what we discover about the second manger: High D (DISC) + High Individualistic (Motivators) + Empathetic Outlook Negative Focus (ACI) + Low Diplomacy (DNA). The drive to lead and acquire status (Individualistic Motivator) is this manager’s primary interest, which is further intensified by her high D behavioural style. In addition, she is someone who will tend to focus on the negative aspects of others’ performance (ACI), and this fact will be exacerbated by her under-developed skill in Diplomacy (DNA). This overall combination is a recipe for disaster when it comes to giving feedback (it is more likely to sound like blunt, one-way criticism than constructive, two-way dialogue).
As you can see, despite sharing the same behavioural style, these are two very different managers. This integrated view reveals a more complete view of an individual’s strengths and limits — one that other consultants frequently don’t get to see and thus risk giving their clients substandard advice.
To better understand the concept of multi-science assessments and the advantages of the TTI Success Insights suite of tools, check out our blog post Advantages of the TTI Success Insights Suite.
TriMetrix HD: Measuring behaviours, motivators, acumen, and competencies!
The TriMetrix HD is a powerful assessment combining four sciences, helping you to explore four key areas of performance:
HOW we behave and communicate — using the world famous DISC assessment
WHY we move into action — using the simple yet powerful Workplace Motivators assessment
WHAT personal talents we have at our disposal — using the TTI Acumen Capacity Index
WHICH competencies we have mastered and to what degree — using the TTI DNA assessment
This powerful combination is available in a number of versions (explained below) and covers 5 sections: Behaviours, Motivators, Acumen, Competencies, as well as an integrated section combining Behavioural and Motivational feedback. This layered approach provides a fantastic framework for people to build awareness and appreciation of their potential strengths, opportunities for growth, and to craft specific action plans for professional development.
The TTI Success Insights DISC profile is available in a number of different versions specifically designed for different applications. The suite includes reports designed for use in recruitment and selection as well as more comprehensive coaching and development reports. Unlike some of the more primitive DISC models, our DISC assessments provide feedback on all four factors to truly capture how we are unique at a behavioural level and avoid pigeonholing people. The 4 core DISC behaviours measured are:
Dominance – How we respond to problems & challenges.
Influence – How we respond to people & contact.
Steadiness – How we respond to pace & consistency.
Compliance – How we respond to procedures & constraints.
Note: The behaviours section also includes the Behavioural Hierarchy: 8 sub-behavioural tendencies based on the core four.
The Workplace Motivators profile is a 14-page report. It takes you a step beyond the standard behavioural assessment to dive deeper into the world of personal values. The 6 core Motivators measured are:
Theoretical – A drive for knowledge and learning.
Utilitarian – A drive for a return on all investments.
Aesthetic – A drive for beauty and creative expression.
Social – A drive for compassion and helping others.
Individualistic – A drive for uniqueness, status and to lead.
Traditional – A drive for unity, order and a system for living.
Note: The Workplace Motivators also includes feedback on what a person should try to avoid based on his or her motivators. TTI’s brain-based research confirms that this has a deep subconscious impact on our decision making.
The TriMetrix HD competencies section is constructed using information from two assessments: Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) and the TTI DNA. The standard TTI DNA explores 23 business related competences, however, when combined with information in the ACI, the list of competencies can be expanded to 25, including some “thought-based” and some “action-based” competencies. This section of the report ranks the individual’s “Competencies Hierarchy” from the most developed competency to the least developed competency. The 25 competencies measured are as follows:
1. Conceptual Thinking 14. Leadership
2. Conflict Management 15. Negotiation
3. Continuous Learning 16. Personal Accountability
4. Creativity 17. Persuasion
5. Customer Focus 18. Planning & Organising
6. Decision Making 19. Presenting
7. Diplomacy & Tact 20. Problem Solving Ability
8. Empathy 21. Resiliency
9. Employee Development 22. Self-Management
10. Flexibility 23. Teamwork
11. Futuristic Thinking 24. Evaluating Others
12. Goal Achievement 25. Written Communication
13. Interpersonal Skills
Note: The TriMetrix HD competencies have been created to simplify and refine more complex and cumbersome competency models. When creating a competency framework with this model, the same 25 competencies are applicable to any position. What changes each time is the hierarchy of importance and the extent to which each skill needs to be developed. Thus, the TriMetrix HD competencies simplify your development framework to highlight only the most important factors that affect a person’s success in one’s current (or future) role and only focus on the development of those skills which will have the highest payoff.
The ACI is a powerful assessment based on the science of “axiology” developed by Robert S. Hartman. Hartman developed the Hartman Value Profile (HVP) and the ACI is based on (and expands on) this original work. It uses robust mathematical equations to explore how people interpret their experiences. The TTI Success Insights Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) describes a person in six core dimensions split across two perspectives (internal and external, or self view and world view):
The “Self View” explores:
Sense of Self – How clearly we see ourselves, our strengths, limits and areas for improvement.
Role Awareness – How clearly we see and separate our roles in life, be it as a manager, team or family member.
Self Direction – How clearly we see our future, the goals we have, and the path toward them
The “World View” explores:
Understanding Others – How clearly we see others, their strengths, limits and areas for improvement.
Practical Thinking – How clearly we see cause and effect, the connection between actions and results.
Systems Judgment – How clearly we see systems, structure and authority.
The Acumen Capacity Index report spans 12-pages, exploring various intricacies about how people think and interpret their experiences. The ACI report provides a valuable platform to identify, appreciate and apply a person’s unique talents based on their “patterns of thought”.
Talent Insights was the first assessment in the world to include an integration between different models. This integrated section explores the influence of one dimension of performance on another — in this case, one’s DISC behavioural style and personal motivators. Included in the Talent Insights Coaching Report is a section that explores how an individual’s motivators might impact his or her DISC behavioural style and vice versa. This is something that is not available from any other assessment provider.
The TriMetrix HD series is made up of a collection of reports designed to support your initiatives and help achieve the outcomes you are looking for. All of our tools have been designed with flexibility, practicality and multiple uses in mind. This means you can invest once in the right profile and use it throughout the employee life cycle to maximise your investment. As a multi-science report, TriMetrix ACI explores Behavioural Style, Personal Motivators, Acumen and Competencies. There are four sets of reports in this series, including:
TriMetrix HD Job Profiles – Providing a validated way to profile the unique positions in any business and determine the “ideal” mix of behaviours, motivators, acumen, and competencies for a superior performer. We refer to this as “Position Benchmarking”.
TriMetrix HD Selection Profiles – A shortened version of the full report designed to provide hiring managers with what they need to understand a candidate’s behaviour, motivations, acumen, and competencies mix.
TriMetrix HD Comparison and Gap Reports – A set of reports to visually display personal reports against a benchmark (for example, in the selection process to see how closely someone matches a benchmark).
TriMetrix HD Coaching and Development Reports – A set of reports that comprehensively explores a person’s behavioural style, motivators, acumen and competencies. These reports are available in General, Sales and Executive versions.
DISC, Workplace Motivators, Acumen Capacity Index, and TTI DNA are all wonderfully versatile tools. The TriMetrix HD profile is commonly used in the following functions:
Recruitment and Selection
Position Benchmarking
Leadership Development
Communication Effectiveness
Team Effectiveness
Sales Development
Customer Service Training
Coaching/Mentoring Relationships
Competency Framework/Development
Planning and Strategy
Change Management
Conflict Resolution
Personal Effectiveness
Family Relationships
Career Planning
Accreditation in this tool can be obtained via the DISC and Motivators accreditation, followed by the the ACI and the DNA accreditation
There are no complicated forms in order to register. Just give our team a call and they will take care of it all for you!
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